Sunday, March 3, 2013

Wayne and Wendy Baby #3

Today I took photos
of a wonderful family.
I will say it was a challenge
taking pictures of a 3 1/2 yr old
and 1 yr old who missed nap time. LOL
We still got some great shots though.
I love this photo of the family. 
 In her own words "This is My Life"

When you don't know the name or if the family
is not revealing the name-- You can still come up
with great ways to use blocks or scrabble peices.

Waiting on the package to arrive!

So cute! The 1 yr old was hard to get her tiny shoes. 
She wanted to climb the stairs, but we got it!  Even
if it was just one shot.

I always love the heart photos!

Again if you don't have a name, but you know
the sex of the baby you can use blocks
for a cute picture!

1 of each-- hands making a heart together.

this one says it all  "It all started with a kiss"

The lighting is from behind to produce a silhouette photo

Another shot where we just happened to get
lil Miss Shiloh to sit still for 1 sec.

Psalm 139:13 For you created my inmost being;
 you knit me together in my mother's womb.

Love the bow and ballerina shoes.
I used ribbon from the craft section of WalMart
and a lil girls hair bow.

Love this pic.  He is smiling at his daughter
Shiloh playing at his feet.

We got her again, only bc we had
a toy.  The clock.

Time's up baby girl!

I love these shots.

Big brother Ethan is telling baby sister
a story about his day.
When baby arrives we will
do the same pose

I was very pleased with the shots we got. We spent about 1 1/2 hrs
and only mom changed outfits 1 time.

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